Yimeng Girl: A Colorful Forest for Children's Art Education

Li Zhongkai's Innovative Art Center Design Wins A' Design Award

Li Zhongkai's "Yimeng Girl" project, an art center designed as a colorful forest, offers children a unique space to explore art and culture. This innovative design, which won the Iron A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2022, has been praised for its unique properties and creative use of space.

Li Zhongkai's inspiration for the Yimeng Girl project was to create a space where children could dance like fairies in a colorful forest. The aim was to instill a joy of learning and growth in the children who would use the art center. The result is a unique space that some describe as a fairytale castle, others as an amusement park, and still others as a labyrinthine kaleidoscope. It offers grasslands, mountains, caves, and flowers, all designed to provide a warm embrace of nature, authenticity, and adventure.

The Yimeng Girl project is located in Linyi, a third-tier city in China with a population of ten million. The art center is an extracurricular space where children can fully experience the joy of art. The project began in April 2021 and was completed in July of the same year. In September 2021, it was awarded the most creative design award of the Huading Awards of the Chinese Building and Decoration Association.

The design of the art center was not without its challenges. The original space was long and narrow, with no open space. This required in-depth design work on the moving line. Great attempts were made in spatial layout and color application, resulting in a reasonable and comfortable space. The materials used in the project include plastic wall cloth, plastic floor, and the Great Wall board.

Li Zhongkai's Yimeng Girl project is a testament to the power of innovative design in creating spaces that inspire and educate. The project's success is a reflection of Li Zhongkai's commitment to creating spaces that are not only functional but also engaging and inspiring. The Yimeng Girl project is a shining example of how design can transform spaces and create environments that foster learning and growth.

The Yimeng Girl project has been recognized for its innovative design and contribution to art education. It was awarded the Iron A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2022, a prestigious award given to well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. This award is a testament to Li Zhongkai's innovative design approach and his commitment to creating spaces that inspire and educate.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Li Zhongkai
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer LiangDong, 2021. Image #2: Photographer LiangDong, 2021. Image #3: Photographer LiangDong, 2021. Image #4: Photographer LiangDong, 2021.
Project Team Members: Designer: LiZhongkai
Project Name: Yimeng Girl
Project Client: Li Zhongkai

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